Electroweld Poke Gun Type – Single Sided Portable Spot Welder 15KVA SP-15SHG

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Electroweld Poke Gun Type – Single Sided Portable Spot Welder 15KVA SP-15SHG


Electroweld Poke Gun Type – Single Sided Portable Spot Welder 15KVA SP-15SHG – Spot Welder Applications: The Electroweld Hand Operated Poke Gun Type – Single Sided Portable Spot Welder can be used for applications where squeeze-gun-type welding isn’t accessible. This would be when the squeeze-gun welding electrode arms cannot reach the weld area. This welder is designed for jobs that can’t be accommodated in a conventional type spot welding machines due to throat depth limitations or bigger size of jobs such as wire mesh, stiffener welding on steel, metal doors, metal shelves, shelves in a steel cabinets, welding on square or round pipes, passenger lift doors, flooring of passenger lift, welding of metal sheet on hollow structures, cladding of S.S. sheet or structures, etc. Poke welding guns can also be used for tack welding applications on thicker materials, where a class ‘A’ weld is not required.

Users Include: General engineering work-shops, makers of furniture, electrical instruments, containers, barrels and drums, kitchenware, textile machinery and spares, automobiles, bicycles, motor-cycles, scooters, auto-ancillaries, toys, air-conditioners, refrigerators, transformers, motor, switch gear, etc.

Construction : This is a portable welding machine and has a poke gun type electrode. The machine is based on the principle of the spot welding where the two metal surfaces are joined by the heat production from resistance to electric current. The workpieces are held in position tightly by the electrodes.

Panel Welding Application Technical Guidance:

-Single-sided welding must never be considered for any structural panels or for multiple panels exceeding two layers.

-If there are panels of different thickness, weld from the thinner layered panel to the thick; never weld from the thick to the thin.

-Place the “ground shoe” as close to the weld area as possible, and secure it to the host panel. Never attach the ground shoe to the same panel being welded.

-Securely attach the entire surface of the “ground shoe” to the host panel, with the surface area of the host panel cleaned to bare metal.

-There must be no contamination between the panels being welded; the mating surface must be thoroughly clean and free of grease or sealer.

-The mating sides of the new and host panel must have a smooth, tight, flush fit between them; there should be no gaps or air pockets (as much as possible avoiding the factory spot-weld area).

-Gun pressure, vertical push of 20-25 pounds is recommended, with an emphasis on not too much and not too little pressure. Too much and you run the risk of blowing a hole in the panel; too little and the weld may fail.

-Before you start the single-sided welding process, it’s vital you do a test weld, mimicking the panel installation, and then destroy that test weld. This will confirm you’re ready to start the process and that the settings you’ve selected are correct.

-After your first single-sided welds, do a visual check on the underside of the host panel; a burn mark “heat affect zone” should be visible, confirming weld penetration.

-Try to avoid welding over the same area as the original factory spot weld. If you weld over the same area as the original weld, there’s a high probability that the weld may explode or burn through.

– Galvanized Sheet Spot Welding- Galvanizing is a coating of zinc metal that is applied to the steel when it is manufactured, either in a hot dipped fashion or by electroplating.Zinc, when used as a galvanizing coating, protects steel from rust. In Single sided Spot welding the zinc is often removed with the cleaning process in preparation for the weld. The reason we remove the zinc in Single Sided Spot Welding is because we lack significant pressure in the weld zone, and because we are only welding from one side.Galvanizing can “foul” the welding tips, a condition called brassing. Brassing can cause the electrode to have trouble connecting with the material to be welded. If the electrode forms a gold or brass color on the face of the electrode, then the face of the welding tip should be cleaned. Care must be taken to insure that the diameter of the face of the electrode is maintained at the correct size when cleaning welding tips. Galvanized steel requires about 25% more horse power than non-galvanized steel. Weld time and/or weld power need to be increased to spot weld galvanized steel.

– Rust Prevention on panel welding for bodyshop application -When using the Single Sided Welder, the black “E” coating should be left on the inside of the new part. Also, weld-thru or other rust inhibiting primer may be put on the old part. And for a tight, dry seal, a light coat of wax based rust proofing may be put between these layers of steel. These materials will be burned out of the way at 400 to 500 degrees F. as the steel is being heated to welding temperature. After the weld is formed and the weld zone is cooling, the wax based rust proofing will be pulled back around the weld nugget by capillary action. Because of the quantity of welds and the size of the heat effect zone in Single Sided welding, good rust prevention must be applied after the welding is done.

Electrodes: The electrodes are specially designed using a copper alloy. On a single-sided weld, the electrode and ground must be on opposite panels to work.

Welding Process: The spot welding process involved heating of the specific spot. The energy produced at the site of the spot depends upon the resistance between electrode and magnitude of the current supplied.The poke electrodes have a feature of producing more heat at a point or spot which is tightly held by the electrodes thus producing spot welding.

Current Control: Current Control by means of 6 tap change links between 50% and 100%

Electronic Control: Synchronous built-in electronic timer with SCR from 2 to 65 cycles.Compensation circuit starts the timer only when there is proper passage of current, which enables to perform on oxidized sheets, on surfaces with paint residue or on black sheets. Electroweld Poke Gun Type – Single Sided Portable Spot Welder 15KVA is available through HeatSource.

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Product Specifications
Electroweld Single Sided Portable Spot Welder – Poke Welding Gun 5KVA @ 50% Duty Cycle
Weldable Materials-Low Carbon Steel,High Carbon Steel,High Strength Steel,Nickel Alloy,High-Temp Alloy,Titanium
Power Requirement is 220V AC 50/60Hz or 415V AC 50/60Hz(Price includes customization as per requirement before shipping)
Spot Welders upto 30KVA can operate on either 2 Lines/Phases 220V (+10%/-10%) or 400V (+10%/-10%) 50/60Hz
Spot Welders greater than 30KVA can only operate on 2 Lines/Phases 400V (+10%/-10%) 50/60Hz
Standard Electroweld Thyristorised Electronic Controller with 2 timers for squeeze and weld

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